Compile latex file into word
Compile latex file into word

  1. Compile latex file into word how to#
  2. Compile latex file into word code#

File wordcount: counts only current file, and does not count \input files (the only one that doesn't).Document wordcount (more accurate): more accurate version of Document wordcount, but takes longer and requires generation of a log file containing a line for every character in the output.

compile latex file into word compile latex file into word

  • Document wordcount: counts entire document, from start of root file, including all \input files.
  • E.g., /Users/username/my TeX files/main.tex will not work.
  • The above command also requires that the absolute path to the root file has no spaces in it.
  • Most Windows users will be unable to use this command for now.
  • The Document wordcount (more accurate) command only works on a UNIX shell, as it currently uses commands such as echo and grep.
  • Windows: TeXcount may need to be set up following the instructions given here.
  • I believe it also comes with MiKTeX, but cannot confirm. This comes with a standard TeX Live installation.
  • Most commands need the texcount command line program.
  • For now though, I'll leave it here because this package already has section range finding logic, so implementing folding based on this range was easy enough. This is experimental, must be explicitly enabled to use, and will likely be removed at some point.

    Compile latex file into word code#

  • Note: I recently added code folding based on section commands.
  • Compile latex file into word how to#

    This one will likely overestimate the word count, so (to reiterate the earlier point) these methods are approximations only and you as the user must decide how to interpret the results.

    compile latex file into word

    The one command that uses wordcount.tex only works on the entire document and requires generating a log file that grows larger as the document gets longer. However, it is likely to underestimate the wordcount most of the time. Most of the provided commands use TeXcount, as it is the quicker and more lenient program. However, this package provides several methods of estimating the word count using tools that come with a TeX Live distribution, such as TeXcount and wordcount.tex. Given the nature of LaTeX, it is practically impossible to get an accurate word count for any non-trivial document. See this on latex-wordcount Table of contents

    Compile latex file into word